In October 2015, McLean Hospital publicly announced its $100 million Campaign for McLean Hospital—the largest and most ambitious in the hospital’s history.
With the leadership phase launching in 2012, McLean’s closest supporters were eager to participate, contributing $85 million before the campaign was formally announced. By the end of 2015, the campaign reached $94 million—just $6 million shy of its goal.
“The response to this campaign has been phenomenal,” said Campaign Co-Chair and former Chair of McLean’s Board of Trustees Kathleen Feldstein, PhD. “It is heartwarming that so many people have made gifts across the full breadth of McLean’s mission. This support is a powerful endorsement of McLean’s role as a leader in the field as it strives to address the many challenges in psychiatry and mental health.”
The campaign is currently making strategic investments in the future of McLean. A primary focus of the effort has been to establish seven Centers of Excellence in psychotic disorders, depression and anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, child and adolescent psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry, women’s mental health, and basic neuroscience.
In addition, the Campaign for McLean Hospital seeks resources to attract and support world-class leaders, to advance research, and to optimize patient outcomes.
“Thanks to our generous community of donors, we have launched all seven of our Centers of Excellence, welcomed outstanding new talent, seeded new clinical programs, supported novel research, and made tremendous strides in our strategic direction,” said Scott L. Rauch, MD, president and psychiatrist in chief. “The campaign goal is within reach and meeting it will enable us to more fully realize our vision of improved access to care and accelerated discovery, one day leading to prevention and cures.”
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