Depression Screening
Online screening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of depression
Mental health conditions—such as depression—are real, common, and treatable. Answering these questions can help you to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of depression.
This screening uses a standard, recognized assessment tool, the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). However, it should not be used to replace the recommendations and/or diagnoses provided by a medical or mental health professional.
We encourage you to share your results with a health care professional who can help you determine the next steps that are right for you.
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Learn About Depression
Looking for a different mental health screening?
Suicide Prevention
If you are suicidal or are a danger to yourself or others, please call 911 or visit your nearest emergency room immediately.
Talking about suicide is the best way to prevent it. Find access to resources, including 24-hour voice and text hotlines.
McLean Is Here To Help
If you or a loved one is struggling, McLean provides world-class care for depression. Call us today to learn more about depression treatment options.