Patient Experiences Related Content

Depression Treatment Is ‘A Miracle’ For One Patient

Martha Keith leans back in what looks like a dentist chair as Heather Gallagher, RN, takes scalp measurements to pinpoint exactly where electric pulses will be aimed. Gallagher then brings a nearby machine’s electromagnetic coil next to Keith’s head and turns on the device. Keith closes her eyes and...

Adolescent Programs Give Family a Precious Gift: Their Daughter

The list of diagnoses suggested to the parents of young Sarah Leschinsky over the years reads like a menu of psychiatric distress: bipolar disorder, psychosis, Asperger’s Syndrome, oppositional disorder, depression and attachment disorder. To Sarah’s mother Deborah, the menu metaphor is apt: “Nobody...

The Pavilion Sets Patients on the Path to Recovery

Jill Lenhardt, 38, had never experienced any psychiatric issues until her eldest son was born. At that point, “I was on a high; what I describe as semi-manic,” recounts Lenhardt, the mother of three boys under age 10. “This phase would last for several months, then I would crash.” After her second...

Endowed Fund Benefits Patient Care at Appleton

When Georgie Ashforth sent her youngest daughter off to college, it was a joyous occasion; the idea that her daughter would soon develop schizophrenia was the farthest thought from her mind. “At first, we didn’t realize there was something wrong; but after several episodes, we saw our daughter...