Leading the Way in Depression Treatment

If you are struggling with mood disorders, McLean is here to help.

According to the World Health Organization, depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide.

At McLean, we know that struggling with depression and other mood disorders can be a difficult and life-disrupting experience. Our depression treatment programs offer world-class care for those who may need help to manage their symptoms and get their lives back on track.

Call us today at 617.855.3141 to learn more about treatment options. We will find the program that’s right for you and walk you through the admission process.

Outstanding Care, Exceptional Outcomes

McLean Hospital offers comprehensive mental health services to help children and adults living with depression. We utilize proven treatment models informed by cutting-edge research conducted at McLean and around the world. By incorporating various approaches, treatment can be customized for each individual to help ensure recovery.

McLean’s depression care incorporates individual, group, and family therapy, behavioral therapies, diagnostic assessment, consultation services, tailored treatment plans, and medication consultation. We are dedicated to providing robust patient and family education and support, including informational materials, support groups, and assistance with community resources.

Our inpatient programs offer a safe and secure environment for patients in need of immediate acute care, while our residential, day, and outpatient programs focus on providing skills for patients to manage their illnesses on their own.

Depression Care at a Glance

Evidence-Based Care

Treatment focuses on proven models, such as cognitive behavior therapy and dialectical behavior therapy.


Upon admission, each patient is thoroughly evaluated so that clinicians can create customized care plans.

Group Therapy

Patients participate in our robust group therapy program, developing skills to manage their depression.

Medication Consultation

When indicated, medication can be an important tool for recovery. Patients meet with a psychiatrist as needed.

Support and Education

Our daily educational curriculum promotes prolonged recovery. Resources are available for patients and their loved ones.

Consultation Services

Patients benefit from specialty services available at McLean and throughout our partner hospitals.

Treatment That Fits Your Needs

For many people, depression is not the only mental health issue they are struggling with. Many times, depression occurs along with another diagnosis, such as substance addiction, borderline personality disorder, or anxiety.

If you have coexisting conditions, you need support to understand and cope with all of the symptoms you are experiencing. At McLean, we specialize in making sure individuals have the tools they need to manage their illnesses.

Each patient works with a treatment team that creates a tailored care plan that addresses unique needs and goals.

Our approach to depression treatment includes robust assessment and attention to factors such as medical issues and home/work life. This ensures that we are working with you on solutions that will help you to identify the underlying causes of your depression and addresses all of your symptoms together. At the same time, we help you to build skills to set you on the path to recovery.

Behavioral therapies teach patients to connect their thoughts and actions to learn to think and behave differently and have been proven to be effective to help patients with mood disorders. McLean employs a variety of these skill-based therapies, such as cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).

CBT shows people how to recognize unhelpful ways of thinking. It also teaches individuals problem-solving and coping skills to use in complex situations. Together this often results in increased confidence and ability to manage situations and difficult symptoms.

DBT uses a combination of cognitive behavioral techniques and mindfulness principles to help people gain better control over their actions and to allow for a different way of managing intense feelings.

ACT promotes a willingness to accept and address—rather than avoid—difficult thoughts and emotions. This therapy can also be useful to reduce barriers to other forms of treatment.

Sometimes, medication or other interventions are needed to properly care for your symptoms. We work with you to understand your options and find the care that will provide you relief.

Depression Screening

Online screening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of depression.

Sought-After Specialty Treatments

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Ketamine infusions. What do these treatments have in common? They are scientifically proven treatments that many patients credit with changing the course of their illness.

These “neurotherapeutic” therapies target different parts of the brain and often have success with treatment-resistant depression.

Though ECT especially has a fair amount of stigma associated with its use, it is increasingly used to help patients who do not find relief with other methods.

McLean is home to services that specialize in ECT, TMS, and ketamine therapies. Our ECT Service is one of the largest and best in the country and delivers over 10,000 treatments per year.

Learn more about why ECT especially shouldn’t be a last resort treatment.

Suicide Prevention

An increased risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors often comes with severe depression.

Talking about suicide is the best way to prevent it.

Although it is not possible to predict suicide with any certainty, our best tool is recognition of the signs that many people exhibit when contemplating suicide. The following three behaviors should prompt you to seek immediate help for yourself or a loved one:

  • Talking about wanting to die or to kill oneself
  • Looking for a way to kill oneself, such as searching online or obtaining a gun
  • Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live

If you or someone you know needs help, you do not need to struggle alone. Find suicide prevention resources now.

If you or a loved one is struggling with depression, McLean is here to help. Call us today at 617.855.3141 to learn more about treatment options.