Using Verily Study Watch in the AURORA Study on Post-Trauma (TIPS 2017)

This data blitz presentation was part of the 2017 Technology in Psychiatry Summit, sponsored by the McLean Institute for Technology in Psychiatry on November 6-7, 2017, at the JB Martin Conference Center, Harvard Medical School.

Menachem Fromer, PhD, received his PhD in computer science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem working on computational protein design, probabilistic graphical models, and machine learning-based optimization. In 2010, he moved to the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard to work on psychiatric genomics, specifically the analysis of DNA-sequencing of patients with schizophrenia, autism, and controls. He continued this work when he moved to the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in NY as an associate professor of psychiatry and genetics, where he also worked on the analysis of RNA-sequencing of postmortem brain samples of patients with schizophrenia. Since 2016, he has worked at Verily on more deeply modeling the phenotypes of neuropsychiatric diseases using digital technologies such as smartphones and wearable watches, and integrating those with genomic and related data.

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