Successfully Supporting an Adult Living With Anxiety
Anxiety can create all kinds of challenges for people living with it, and the same can be said for anyone looking to support those individuals. Simply recognizing and relating to someone else’s anxiety can be difficult, and knowing what to say or do can be especially tricky.
So how can loved ones, educators, and others best help a person struggling with anxiety in its many forms? What kinds of boundaries should they set for themselves, and when might it be useful to consult a health care professional for further assistance?
In this previously recorded session, Mark Longsjo, LICSW, offers tips for recognizing signs of anxiety and anxiety-related disorders, shares key do’s and don’ts when it comes to supporting those facing these challenges, and explains why self-care is such an important part of the process.
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About the Expert
Mark Longsjo, LICSW, is the senior director of McLean’s SouthEast campus, and has a longstanding presence in McLean’s clinical programming, social work department, and the human rights committee.

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